Paul Krugman Talks S**T

June 30, 2011

During a recent address to the Vouex faithful, Paul Krugman rolled out that old Social-Progressive-Fascist saw John Keynes and explained in great detail all the forgotten Keynesian minutia which should have stayed forgotten.

When Krugman speaks or writes, all I have to do is think 180 degrees from his dribble and I know I will be 100 percent correct. Keynes can be forgiven. He is dead and is not living through this Charlie Foxtrot of an economy. Krugman is a mouthpiece and true believer in the Social-Progressive-Fascist agenda. He can’t be forgiven. He can’t be re-educated.

First, the lawyers. Then, the politicians. And then make-believe economists. And you know who you are.

What a Long 2 Years it Has Been……

June 23, 2011

Somewhere there is a list stressful events with a number attached expressing how likely it will kill you. Death of anyone close. Major negative life events: house fires; tsunamis; car wrecks. You can see how it goes.

Well, the past two years have been killers for me. (more to follow)

Michelle, My Belle, Kerfuffle

November 25, 2009

I detest the Obama’s politics. They are 180 degrees from what this country stands for.

That being said, the contemptible (and very poorly executed) image being discussed on the blogs isn’t even a “decent racist” (oxymoron?) insult. But don’t blame Google. (Why does everyone want to shoot the messenger?)

I’d say it’s even money this kerfuffle is a leftist plot to misdirect. “Oh. Our poor first lady…….so don’t look as we steal another $100 billion.”

The more I think about, the more transparent it becomes. Oy vey. It’s going to be a long 3 more years. So choke on it, you commie ultra-leftists, socialist, one-worlders. You’re last chance is crumbling before your very eyes.

YNAB3 Financial Software

November 24, 2009

Some of us were not born with serious or even mildly interested financial genes. I am so afflicted. I have made a lot of money during my life and I have spent a lot of money during my life.

But hope albeit forlorn, springs eternal. When the YNAB3 (You Need A Budget) software for the Mac emerges I will attempt self-control once more. I have read book. I have taken the online tutorial. It seems workable on a human scale. I invite you to take a look at this NBT.

Below is a link:

Good luck.

…. and two years later (rimshot!)

June 17, 2009

I find it amazing that I come to this blog almost two years later and it’s all here.

So two years later……. school’s out for Summer. Again.

Ike took a long month out of many lives. I almost died from an arterial nosebleed. We had to start school four times. I got a No. 2 haircut. I’ll be divorced in about 90 days. I’m tired and overweight and my butt hurts. I’ll be 60 years on my birthday. With luck I’ll have dinner with my one true lost love. And I am still just what I am.

Of immediate concern/interest. Read Connelly’s “The Scarecrow”; Lee Child’s, “Gone Tomorrow”; now reading “Into the Storm: The Destroyermen”. Ordered Casca #1: The Eternal Mercenary, $6.50, which is a steal if it happens. Watched Gently, a new Brit police detective. Also watching The Shield, Season 7; Dragnet ’67-’68-’69; Adam-12. 40 years ago and more innocent times.

I’ve come to believe the height of the American Civilization was the period between ’69 – Man On The Moon and ’84 – The Fall of Communism.


iPhone Used As A Literary Prop In “Requiem for an Assassin”

June 16, 2007

In the latest volume, “Requiem for an Assassin”, of Barry Eisler’s continuing series following the expert assassin John Rain, the Apple iPhone (and AT&T) gets serious product placement and extensive use one month a few days before its actual release day. The book was released, according to, on May 22, 2007, and the present advertised release date for the iPhone is June 29, 2007. Mr. Eisler seems quite versed in the usage of the the iPhone, which of course makes the writer wonder if he has been playing with a beta?

Whatever, the book is a tremendous read. But a word of warning: read all the books in sequence or you miss out on a great backstory.

The Top Five Mac Disk Utilities

February 28, 2007

This is an excellent article/review of utilities to help Mac users in case of a catastrophic HD failure. And I speak from experience.

Global Warming Cha-Cha-Cha

December 18, 2006

So they say the Earth is warming up and we’re all gonna die (the latter by implication). Enviro-nazi’s seeking to control the bio-sphere to their specs and conditions. Short-term thinking, bad science, unproven theories. Alarmist Heddy Hen’s, the sky is falling; the sky is falling. Anybody putting themselves in the same wagon as Albert “The Big Liar” GoreĀ  should tell how they invented the Internet.

Let’s look at it: if it isn’t happening then what is their motivation? And if it is happening, then it’s way too late.

Should we worry? How ’bout NO! Humans have survived as a race. We will continue to survive. Humans adapt; they improvise; they overcome. (Respects to the USMC.) This will continue until the big one. You know. The asteroid with our name on it. The one that will hit in 2012.

Until then: Have a good time!

A MacZot Call: HoudahSpot

June 16, 2006

My review of HoudahSpot as seen on

— HoudahSpot is an amazingly fast file finding tool to be used as a replacement for Apple’s Spotlight. Using preferences and query statements the user can find just about anything presently on your Mac. The program provides three templates and an excellent Help File to get you started, because unfortunately search parameters and exact functioning are not for the intuitive minded user. But if you do not use Spotlight because of its shortcomings, then HoudahSpot predents a cost-effective alternative. —

NOTE: If you’re seeing this on June 16, 2006 head over to MacZOT, you might be able to get a Free copy of HoudahSpot

Search easily in Tiger, Mac OS X, with HoudahSpot

Try A MacZot!

May 25, 2006

I can recommend as an interesting filter for Mac software. I have made a couple of purchases including a Mystery Zot and a great game, “jets and guns”. Give it a look. Fans want Pzizz because ‘According to the National Sleep Foundation, sleep deprivation and its effect on work performance may be costing U.S. employers some $18 billion each year in lost productivity. Another study pushes this cost to over $100 billion.’ – link to full article